segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

#08 - Emilia Mason (Em)

Nationality: English
A song: Abba - Dancing Queen
Facebook Profile

You know… people should recognize a Queen when they see one out there. Ok, forget about Queen Elisabeth, for God sakes!  Just close your eyes and think about a fairy tale. Can you describe the Queen?

Mature, experienced, wise, strong and at the same time fragile, as every woman should be. She’s a leader with decision power and wisdom to hear what people around are saying and eyes where her King can read: “Yes, I can handle it”. Wouldn’t you trust a woman like that?!
And, of course, the Queen must be classy, fancy and amazingly beautiful. There ain’t no way for you to ignore her. There ain’t no way for you not to notice when she walks in. She is there and you, mere mortal, should find a way to free from the charming trance and make reverence, because SHE’S THE QUEEN, for God sakes!

It was almost like that with Em. It was opening day of the MA and we were waiting for our first contact with professors and the course crew. And she came in: she is tall, elegant and with a pair of stunning green eyes - believe me, the room was almost in the dark and I could see those eyes.

“C’mon, Leo! Focus!!! Remember: £11,500!!!! It’s not even the first lecture and you are paying attention to… Ok… you can keep looking a little bit more, but try not to look too much or look stupid. Play hard to get. =)”

My first real contact with Em was when I conveniently asked her to fill a survey for one of our assignments. She did and her responses showed me that she was also funny and spontaneous. She wouldn’t talk to you and feel like “Oh my God! Is he really cursing?! Watch your words, I’m a lady!” 

No!! A modern Queen would curse, swear, make funny faces, laugh, drink, make jokes and jump in the pool in a cold spring night with you, my friend, because she knows the value of the mundane things!

As I must have written in one of those previous posts, I have a personal belief that every single person who crossed my life has left their contribution to the man I am today and that I’ll keep reinventing everyday. In a lifetime of facts and happenings, sometimes we kept to ourselves important things that we should have said to people who played an important part in our lives and they end not having any idea on how important they were.
In a critical moment of my journey, Em had this important part and I’m glad I had the opportunity to tell her that. I consider that my small tribute to her, my way to say: Thank you.
That’s Em, my friends! She’s the Queen and I don’t understand what Britain is doing for not to notice such an obvious truth. It’s way more than a dynasty or a bloodline. It’s a light that shines from inside out and that just a few are born with. A Queen in a quest for the royal throne that belongs to her and she’ll find it. She just needs to remember who she is, the strength she has and forget some bad experiences and words she heard in the past. Forgive them, Queen. They don’t know what they say.

And one last and simple thing: Aim at the stars. The sky is the limit.

We’ll meet again, Em!!!